Google App Engine Prerelease 1.3.4 SDK

Die Neuerungen in Kürze:

– Client side bulkloader available with the Python SDK that has a new  configuration syntax and wizard for easier import/export with the datastore. Can be used by enabling remote_api in your Java application
– Applications can now be configured to authenticate with OpenID by selecting the OpenID option when creating your application in the admin console.
– New API to allow App Engine apps to act as OAuth service providers. ttp://
– The version update check in the Java SDK now uses https.
– Allow full access to javax.el.* .
– Increased the timeout during deployment to 15 minutes
– Fixed an issue with JPA where an illegal cast exception was thrown during the fetch of integer fields
– MemcacheService.setNamespace() is deprecated in favor of
– Support in the SDK for Java 1.5 is being deprecated. These warnings now appear  when starting the SDK

Sehr interessant ist die Remote-API ( Über Beispiele in Java werde ich Zukunft berichten.

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