GWT 2.8.2 erschienen
  • Supports running in Java 9. Note that this does not yet mean that GWT can compile Java 9 sources, or support the Java 9 JRE changes, but that a Java 9 JRE can be used to compile a GWT project. Do note that the new --module-path flag is not supported, but-classpath must still be used as in the past.

  • Chrome 61 removed functionality that had been used for reading the absolute top/left values. The internal implementation has been updated to reflect modern standards.

  • Uncaught exception handler will now receive all errors on the page, as handled bywindow.onerror. This may potentially be a breaking change if there were misbehaving scripts on the page. To disable this functionality, set the propertygwt.uncaughtexceptionhandler.windowonerror to IGNORE:

    <set-property name="gwt.uncaughtexceptionhandler.windowonerror" value="IGNORE"/>

For more details, see

Bug fixes
  • LookupMethodCreator creates too large method
  • NativeRegExp should use iframe instance, fixing Edge JIT bug
  • JsProperty getter/setter sometimes were reported as incompatible
  • Instantiating native JsTypes from JSNI results in InternalCompilerException
  • Remove the SUBSIZED characteristic from filtered streams
  • Internal compiler exception when using native JsType varargs in a JsMethod
  • Regression in String.toLowerCase and toUpperCase for some locales, specifically for Turkish
  • Missing bounds check in String.charAt
  • Fix AIOOBE when compiling method references involving varargs.
  • Apply HtmlUnit workaround ensuring that window.onerror is called correctly
  • Migrated lang/jre emulation JSNI to JsInterop to share with J2CL
  • Added ErrorProne to gwt builds
  • Improved compliance with CSP
  • Added emulation for
  • Added emulation for java.lang.reflect.Array
  • JSO.equals/hashcode will delegate to the JS object if it has methods with those names
  • Removed outdated or unused parts of project
  • Migrate guava JRE emulation to GWT
  • HtmlUnit tests are now run in batch mode

For more detail, see the issue tracker and the commit log.

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