Exercises about the Java Language and Object Orientation

  1. Java ecosystem

  2. Imperative programming

  3. Classes, objects, packages

  4. Arrays

  5. Character and String Processing

  6. Writing your own classes

  7. Records, Interfaces, Enumerations, Sealed Classes

  8. Nested.types

  9. Exception handling

  10. Lambda expressions and functional programming

Exercises about the Java Standard Library

  1. Special types from the Java Class Library

  2. Advanced string processing

  3. Mathematics

  4. Locale, date and time

  5. Concurrent Programming with threads

  6. Data Structures and algorithms

  7. Java Stream API

  8. Files, directories and file access

  9. Input/Output Streams

  10. Network programming

  11. Process XML, JSON and other data formats

  12. Database accesses with JDBC

  13. Operating System access

  14. Reflection, Annotations, and JavaBeans

  15. Testing with JUnit

© Christian Ullenboom | tutego™

Keywords relating to this page: Java exercises, Java exercises, Java programming exercises, Java exercise projects, Java exercises with solutions, Java examples with solutions