Spring Tools 4.8.0 freigegeben

Details siehe https://spring.io/blog/2020/09/16/spring-tools-4-8-0-released. Kurz zusammengefasst:

  • updated to Eclipse 2020-09 release
  • ships with an embedded JDK14 runtime, no need to install or configure a specific JDK to run the IDE on anymore
  • includes Eclipse Docker tooling by default now (in addition to the nice docker integration for the Spring Boot Dashboard)
  • includes Wild Web Developer tooling now (#354), including advanced support for JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, and more
  • (Eclipse) improvement: added actions to pause an resume docker containers

Download der Spring Tools 4: https://spring.io/tools/

Spring Tools 4.1.1 freigegeben

Details siehe https://spring.io/blog/2019/01/25/spring-tools-4-1-1-released


Highlights from this release include:

  • (Spring Boot) easy navigation via symbols now available for regular Spring projects (not using Spring Boot)
  • (Spring Boot) live hover for beans and bean wirings now available for regular Spring projects (not using Spring Boot)
  • (Spring Boot) support for deprecated propertied added to property editors, including corresponding quick fixes
  • (Eclipse) boot dashboard now shows environment information including all properties and their values for running boot apps
  • (Eclipse) default distribution brings back support for local Tomcat servers and deploying war-packaged boot apps to those local servers
  • various bug fixes

Eclipse 2018-12 (Eclipse 4.10) freigegeben

Zusammenfassung aller Neuerungen unter https://www.eclipse.org/eclipseide/2018-12/noteworthy/

Java 11-Unterstützung ist standardmäßig integriert, kein Plugin ist mehr nötig. https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.10/jdt.php

Von Visual Studio wurde ein Features auf Eclipse übernommen:

Code Minings support in Java editor Java editor can now show the number of implementations and references for a Java element as decorative text (Code Minings) above the element.

  • This feature can be enabled in Preferences > Java > Editor > Code Minings: