GlassFish v3 und Java EE 6 freigegeben

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Sun has released the Java Platform Enterprise Edition 6and the GlassFish Enterprise Server v3.
Java EE 6 includes new specifications that add new functionality to the platform, like dependency injection, Bean Valiation and RESTful services, as well as improvements to the existing specifications including very significant improvements to Java Server Faces, Enterprise Java Beans, JPA, Servlets and Java Connectors. Java EE 6 also includes a Web Profile. Additional information on Java EE 6 is available from the WebSite and this Overview Article.
The GlassFish v3 Server implements the Java EE 6 specification. GlassFish v3 is Open Source and fully modular, built on an OSGi kernel and the Grizzly NIO infrastructure. GlassFish v3 is suitable for a wide range of applications, from development to deployments. The long list of additional GFv3 features includes embeddability, very fast startup, redeploy-on-save, session state persistence, dynamic language support, management and monitoring facilities, graphical, CLI and REST command interfaces, and an update center. GlassFish v3 is supported by NetBeans, Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA.
Additional information on GlassFish v3 Server is available from the Product Page and our main Team Announcement. GFv3 can be downloaded here; the full version is 70MB and the Web Profile 50MB.

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