JDK 8 Milestones

Nach http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk8/milestones sind das nun:

M1    2012/04/26    (b36)
117 Remove the Annotation-Processing Tool (apt)
M2    2012/06/14    (b43)
133 Unicode 6.1

M3    2012/08/02    (b50)
124 Enhance the Certificate Revocation-Checking API
130 SHA-224 Message Digests
131 PKCS#11 Crypto Provider for 64-bit Windows

Hier stehen wir, das soll kommen:

M4    2012/09/13   
105 DocTree API
121 Stronger Algorithms for Password-Based Encryption
129 NSA Suite B Cryptographic Algorithms

M5    2012/11/29   
106 Add Javadoc to javax.tools
110 New HTTP Client
111 Additional Unicode Constructs for Regular Expressions
112 Charset Implementation Improvements
113 MS-SFU Kerberos 5 Extensions
114 TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension
119 javax.lang.model Implementation Backed by Core Reflection
122 Remove the Permanent Generation
128 BCP 47 Locale Matching
140 Limited doPrivileged
153 Launch JavaFX Applications

M6    2013/01/31        Feature Complete
101 Generalized Target-Type Inference
104 Annotations on Java Types
107 Bulk Data Operations for Collections
108 Collections Enhancements from Third-Party Libraries
109 Enhance Core Libraries with Lambda
115 AEAD CipherSuites
118 Access to Parameter Names at Runtime
120 Repeating Annotations
123 Configurable Secure Random-Number Generation
126 Lambda Expressions and Virtual Extension Methods
135 Base64 Encoding and Decoding
156 G1 GC: Reduce need for full GCs
160 Lambda-Form Representation for Method Handles

M7    2013/02/21        Developer Preview
2013/03/18        All Tests Run
2013/04/04        Rampdown start
2013/05/02        API/Interface Freeze
2013/05/16        Zero Bug Bounce
2013/06/13        Rampdown phase 2
M8    2013/07/05        Final Release Candidate
GA    2013/09/09        General Availability

Von Date-Time API nichts zu sehen!

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Ein Gedanke zu “JDK 8 Milestones

  1. JSR 310: Date and Time API ist in der Feature Liste aufgeführt, hat aber noch kein zu geordneten Milestone. Genauso wie folgende:
    – Improve Contended Locking
    – Parallel Array Sorting
    – Improve Locale Data Packaging and Adopt Unicode CLDR Data

    Außerdem steht auf der Milestone Seite extra:
    „Some features have been funded for the release but are not yet targeted to a specific milestone. When they are targeted then they’ll be added to the above table.“

    Keine Sorge, die Date’n’Time API wird kommen. Davon gehe ich fest aus. 🙂
    Immerhin sieht es beim Projekt der Referenzimplementierung (http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/threeten/index.php?title=ThreeTen) recht gut aus.

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