Ant 1.8.0RC1 ist auf dem Weg

Ant 1.7 gibt’s ja schon gefühlte ewige Zeit und bei Ant, dem make des 2.0 Zeitalters, steht ein Update ein. Nichts großes, sondern eher Detailverbesserungen:

Apache Ant 1.8.0RC1 is now available for download .

  • a new top level element extension-point allows build files to be extended with custom targets more easily
  • if and unless attributes will be evaluated according to the values of the properties entered if these properties evaluate to true, false, on, off
  • Ant now requires Java 1.4 or later
  • new task include provides an alternative to <import> that should be preferred when you don’t want to override any targets
  • numerous bug fixes and improvements as documented in Bugzilla and in WHATSNEW

While in open source projects a final release date strongly depends on the free time of the volunteers/committers, the final release is expected one to two months maximum after this RC. So Ant 1.8.0 is expected between mid February and mid March 2010.

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