Google App Engine 1.4.3 veröffentlicht

Siehe Änderungen in Java:


  • Concurrent Requests: Until now, Java applications relied on starting additional instances to dynamically scale up for higher traffic levels. Now with support for concurrent requests, each application instance may serve multiple user requests at the same time. To start, ensure your application’s code is threadsafe, then enable concurrent requests by adding the <threadsafe> flag to your appengine-web.xml.
  • Java Remote API and Deferred API support: The Remote API andDeferred API libraries have been supported in Python for awhile, and now they can be used with Java, too! The Remote API allows you to perform operations on your application’s datastore from your local machine. This is particularly useful for work that is not well-suited to App Engine’s request/response model. The Deferred API allows users to more easily write and execute ad hoc tasks. Our docs contain more information and examples on how to use the Remote API and Deferred API in Java App Engine.
New and changed APIs
  • Files API: The new Files API in Python and Java allow you to pragmatically read and write data using Blobstore. This API can be used to generate reports, export data, or do anything that your heart desires that requires large, binary objects.


File-IO finde ich spannend, noch toller wäre es gewesen, wenn sich Google an NIO2 halten würde.

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